Obviously I don’t eat meat. I just bought this as a present for someone… (I knew they would prefer it to flowers) That said, I’m not entirely against meat eating, however, I am all for reducing our dependency on bad quality meat and starting to eat less but better quality meat. (This article in Observer Food Monthly makes for interesting reading) Hence the Bristish, organic steak.
When you’ve good quality meat, there’s little you need to do to it other than season it well and cook it properly, more on this later, however, there are some flavours that always go well with steak. Garlic, olive oil and tenderising lemon juice, worcestershire sauce, chilli, paprika, cumin. A splash of balsamic vinegar as the steak is cooking gives a deliciously sweet glaze. Marinade for as long as you have, 30mins-1 hour ought to do it.
When cooking steaks, you need a decent non-stick frying pan or griddle pan. Make sure you heat the pan until it is really smoking hot, I always oil the steak rather than the pan. Place the steak in carefully and leave it for the desired time until it is caramelised on one side, then turn it and cook until done (the timing depends on the thickness of the steak and how you like it cooked, see The Hand Test Technique) . Don’t be tempted to keep turning the steak as this is how it sticks to the pan and you will lose juices. Once cooked, remove and cover with foil, allow to rest for 10mins. Resting meat allows the heat and juices to distribute evenly and is a real must.