Blueberry streusel cake
I like a plain cake, one that you bake in a loaf tin and have slices of with a cup of tea. i made this to see us through the weekend. It’s on my favourites – a blueberry cake sweetened with maple syrup and a little rosemary and thyme.
Recipe here
Sausage, kale and flageolet cassoulet
I love this stew! It’s rich and comforting but only takes about 30 minutes to make (it’s low carb too). For some reason I couldn’t find flageolet, so I used cannelini instead.
Recipe here
Southwest salad
I like reading the comments under recipes, I like to know what people thought, if they made any alterations, what they’d do differrently next time. For a seemingly simple salad, the comments with this recipe were so positive that I had to give it a go. And it’s true, this is delicious! We had ours with steak, but you could have it on it’s own or with chicken or salmon. So easy too, just a bit of chopping and mixing.
Recipe here
Green curry porridge
When this first popped up in my feed, I thought it sounded preeetty weird. Then I saw the pictures and thought I could be persuaded otherwise, it’s kind of like a savoury rice pudding. Does that make it sound better? Anyway, it’s delicious. The brown rice does take a while to cook, so it’s probably not after-work fare, but I bet it reheats well.
Recipe here
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